The Breed Show is held in late August/early September. It is the culmination of the showing season when the champions of each section and year group are chosen. The finale is the evening performance when all the champions of the day compete for their respective awards and the coveted title of Champion of Champions.
Competitors often arrive the day before the show and set up camp for the weekend. There is much socialising, catching up with old friends and making new ones well into the evening of the Friday, before an early night ready to begin the show promptly at 9.00am the following morning.
The show starts with HOYS qualifying classes and 3 coveted tickets on offer to the lucky winners. The champion also qualifies for the Champion of Champions class held as the show finale in the evening.
Other rings hold a great selection of classes all day with something for everyone and all miniature horses, registered and unregistered. The afternoon classes are mainly the age category championships with the champions qualifying for the Royal International Horse Show the following year. There are also classes for breeding lines, both dam and sire lines, and a foal class.
It’s a very busy day with classes from 9.00am through to the evening performance finishing about 8.00pm. Horses are put to bed and the partying really starts! Time to relax over some excellent food and wine and talk over the day’s events before falling into bed in the small hours.
Everyone departs on Sunday morning having had a wonderful time with their miniatures, enjoying great hospitality.
It’s a great way to wrap up the showing season.
2018 Champion of Champions
Emily Barnard and
Ujenik Bantam Showers of Gold
The BMHS Head Office, Stretcholt Farm, Bridgwater, TA6 4SR| +44 (0)1278 685 943