What is the BMHS?

The British Miniature Horse Society was founded in 1992 to promote the welfare, breeding and showing of miniature horses. Starting earlier as a registry, it became recognised by DEFRA as a Stud Book for equines measuring 34 inches (87cms) and below at the wither at maturity. It remains the only UK stud book for the British Miniature Horse. We are also a Passport Issuing Organisation (PIO) and can issue passports to horses that are not registered on our Stud Book.

The Society operates a grading assessment procedure (hardship) for allowing horses from non BMHS registered stock onto its Stud Book (breeding only) in an effort to ensure the best possible genetics are available for improving the breed. 

Anyone can become a member, whether you own a horse or not. Details of all our services can be found on this website. 

As the Mother Stud Book for the British Miniature Horse we have members in 12 EU Countries with our passports and registration documents being accepted throughout Europe. This also allows for Europe wide Breeding programmes.

The Society organises various events, including clinics, Spring Show and an International Breed Show.
Shows are arranged country wide, with most holding qualifying classes for either The Royal International Horse Show or The Horse of the Year Show.

We have held classes at Horse of the Year Show for the past 25 years and are the ONLY miniature horse society to hold Championships at the Royal International Horse Show. 

The society also run the ‘Star Seeker’ series which is open to unregistered  miniature horses. Class winners and second placed horses go forward to the Star Seeker Championship with the Champion being eligible for main studbook status subject to assessment, vetting and measuring. Several shows hold BMHS Open classes which are open to all miniature horses under 92 cms.
We are happy to offer advice to prospective purchasers on all aspects of keeping, breeding and showing miniature horses. Our network of committee members and experienced breeders can put you in touch with people in your area who are willing to help you.

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