Before you can enter any BMHS affiliated shows, you must declare the horses and handlers you wish to compete for the season and pay the correct levies. This can be done by either of the following methods.
1. Print and fill out the Showing Declaration form (available on the 'Downloads' button on this website) which includes levy payments. This should be sent to the address on the form. Payments can be made by BACS as on the form.
2. Declarations and levy payment can be processed online from the link on the 'Join Us' page.
This should be done before you enter any of these classes, and contain all the horses and handlers that you wish to enter into any affiliated shows throughout the season.
Showing Levy Explained
The showing levy is an annual payment made to the society if you wish to show your horse in Royal International Horse Show and Horse of the Year Show classes. These prestigious shows charge the society a substantial fee to hold BMHS classes. The levy goes some way towards covering these fees. It would not be possible to hold classes at these shows without showing members paying this levy. This is a separate payment to your normal membership fee. The amount to pay is explained on the Showing Declaration form. There is no levy to pay for entering Open or Star Seeker classes.
BMHS Affiliated Shows
This list is available in 'Downloads' under 'Showing' on this website.
Please note, this list is subject to change throughout the showing season, so please check back regularly.
If the schedule for the show you are interested in is not listed, please contact the individual show/event organisers or visit their websites for more information
The BMHS Head Office, Stretcholt Farm, Bridgwater, TA6 4SR| +44 (0)1278 685 943